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  • Denis Pepin

Radon Risk Rising in Cold Regions: A Looming Threat from Thawing Permafrost

Updated: Mar 31

A person in a gas mask holding a glowing radioactive symbol, surrounded by white figures, in a cold and foggy environment with mountains in the background.
A scientist, clad in protective gear, unveils the ominous glow of radon amidst the icy silence of a degrading permafrost landscape. Radon, a radioactive gas that can cause lung cancer, is released from the soil as the frozen ground thaws due to climate change. The image captures the urgency and the danger of this looming threat, as well as the need for more research and awareness on the issue.

Radon, a colorless, odorless, and radioactive gas, lurks beneath our feet. While naturally occurring in rocks and soils, it poses a significant health risk, ranking as the second leading cause of lung cancer after smoking. In cold regions of the Northern Hemisphere, particularly those with permafrost, a natural barrier exists, trapping radon and preventing its migration into human dwellings and workspaces. However, climate change is altering this delicate balance, causing permafrost to thaw at an alarming rate. This thawing process, known as permafrost degradation, releases trapped radon, potentially leading to higher concentrations in the air, especially near areas rich in uranium deposits.

The Urgency of the Issue:

A recent study published in the March issue of Earth-Science Reviews raises concerns about a growing threat to residents of cold regions in the Northern Hemisphere:

  • Uranium Deposits: Areas with high uranium deposits can significantly increase the release of radon into soil and water, potentially leading to higher concentrations.

  • Permafrost Degradation: Thawing permafrost weakens the natural barrier against radon, potentially increasing the risk for residents in these regions.

  • Limited Research: Current research is insufficient to fully understand the impact of permafrost degradation on radon migration and potential risks.

A Call for Action:

The limited existing research underscores the urgent need for further investigation:

  • Understanding Mechanisms: Investigating how radon migrates through frozen, thawing, and thawed soils and rocks is crucial.

  • Assessing Risks: Evaluating the release of radon from permafrost and its movement in groundwater systems is essential.

  • Developing Solutions: Implementing strategies to mitigate potential radon risks in cold regions, particularly near uranium deposits, is vital.

Focus on Northeast China:

While research has primarily focused on Canada and Russia, Northeast China also has areas with permafrost and potential radon risks. Studying these regions is crucial for protecting local residents.


Climate-induced permafrost degradation presents a growing threat of increased radon exposure in cold regions. By conducting further research and implementing mitigation strategies, we can protect individuals from this dangerous gas and ensure their health and well-being, particularly in areas like Northeast China, where the potential risk is high.

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