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  • Denis Pepin

A Fictional Warning: Trump’s Reelection and the End of America

Updated: Apr 1

A yellow warning sign reading 'The End of America A Fictional Warning' on a barbed wire fence in a desolate landscape with dark clouds.
Will fiction become reality?

It is the year 2028, and America is no longer the land of the free and the home of the brave. It is a land of fear and oppression, where democracy has been replaced by dictatorship and human rights have been trampled by tyranny.

The nightmare began in November 2024, when Donald Trump won his second term as president, by a slight margin over Joe Biden. He claimed that his victory was a landslide and that he had the support of the majority of the American people. He ignored the fact that millions of voters had been disenfranchised, intimidated, or manipulated by his campaign and his allies. He also disregarded the allegations of foreign interference, voter fraud, and election irregularities that had cast doubt on the legitimacy of the results.


He celebrated his win as a triumph of his agenda and immediately hired a new Attorney General, who ended his trial issues with the Department of Justice and cleared him of any charges or investigations. He also used his influence to pardon himself and his family members for any crimes or wrongdoings. He claimed that he was restoring law and order, but in reality, he was above the law and accountable to no one. He consolidated his power, expanded his authority, and made himself the supreme leader of the nation. He also abolished the Congress and the Supreme Court, banned all other political parties, and made the Republican Party the only legal one. He silenced the media, censored the internet, and made it illegal to criticize him or his policies. He also launched a massive propaganda campaign, spreading lies and misinformation, and brainwashing the masses into believing that he was the only one who could save America from its enemies.


One of his main enemies was the rest of the world, which he blamed for all of America’s problems. He withdrew from all international treaties and organizations and imposed harsh tariffs and sanctions on other countries. He also escalated his conflicts with China, Iran, North Korea, and other nations, and threatened to use nuclear weapons against them. He also provoked Russia, which he had previously praised and befriended, by encouraging them to invade NATO countries that did not pay enough for their defense budget. He claimed that he was defending America’s interests and sovereignty, but in reality, he was isolating America from its allies and partners, and making it more vulnerable and hated.


Another enemy was the environment, which he denied was facing any crisis or threat. He reversed all the efforts and policies that had been made to combat climate change and protect the environment. He withdrew from the Paris Agreement again and increased the use of fossil fuels and the emission of greenhouse gases. He also deregulated the industries and corporations and allowed them to pollute and exploit the natural resources without any restrictions or consequences. He claimed that he was boosting the economy and creating jobs, but in reality, he was destroying the planet and endangering the lives of millions of people and animals.


But perhaps his most hated enemy was the people of America themselves, especially those who did not support him or fit into his vision of a great America. He targeted marginalized communities, such as immigrants, refugees, Muslims, LGBTQ+, people of color, women, and others, and subjected them to discrimination, persecution, and violence. He revoked their citizenship and rights and forced them into detention camps, where they faced torture, abuse, and death. He also implemented a strict social hierarchy, where the wealthy and powerful elites enjoyed privileges and benefits, while the poor and working-class suffered poverty and hardship. He claimed that he was making America great again, but in reality, he was making America a nightmare for everyone.

This is the dystopian future that could exist if Donald Trump is reelected in November 2024. It is a future that we must never allow to happen.


Don’t let the Trump-Abyss Drag You Down!

Trump-Abyss is a blog that reveals the harmful and hidden truth of Donald Trump, whose actions have disrupted US policies and threatened global stability. Trump has not only failed to address the major challenges facing humanity, but he has also actively worsened them by his actions and words. He has tried to subvert democracy, incite violence, and spread misinformation. He has almost triggered a nuclear war, alienated allies, and emboldened enemies. He has shown a complete lack of respect for the common good and the rule of law.

Share the Trump-Abyss blog with your friends, and family, and on social media platforms. The more people are aware of the dangers of a Trump’s presidency, the more they can take action to prevent or mitigate them. Together, we can defend our democracy and our planet from the Trump-Abyss. You have the power to stand up for what is right and fight for a better future. Whether you choose to vote, protest, donate, or educate, you are making a difference in the world.

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